Welcome to our homepage of the Structure and Evolution of Active Galactic Nucleus (AGNs)
research group,
lead by prof. Minfeng Gu, in Astrophysics Division of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory. Our group work
on both observational and theoretical
researches. For the observational science we focus on AGNs broad-band observations, especially on
optical, X-ray and radio bands. For theoretical science we aimed at black hole accretion flow and it's
radiation, large scale magnetic field evolution and jet formation/radiation mechnisms.
Currently we have 6 staff members, 4 PhD students, and 1 graduate students.
Now we have 11 members
- Staffs
- Prof. Minfeng Gu
- Prof. Shuangliang Li
- Prof. Liang Chen
- A/Prof. Jianeng Zhou
- A/Prof. Yi Xing
- A/Prof. Hengxiao Guo
- Ph.D Students
- Renzhi Su
- Xi Shao
- Xin Pan
- Jingbo Sun
- Master Students
- Yihong Yang
- Prof. Minfeng Gu
(group leader)
Research Interest:
1. Active galactic nuclei(AGN)
2. Formation and evolution of supermassive black holes
3. Multi-wavelength observations
4. Quasar science based on SDSS- IV, and radio VLBI observations
Personal Home Page -
Prof. Shuangliang Li
Research Interest:
1. Accretion disk theory
2. Jet formation mechanism
3. Active galactic nuclei
Personal Home Page
Prof. Liang Chen
Research Interest:
high energy astrophysics, especially the accretion and jet, the role of magnetic field in various astronomical phenomena, gamma-ray astronomy and other high-energy astrophysical processes
Personal Home Page -
A/Prof. Jianeng Zhou
Research Interest:
1. Analysis on Fermi γ-ray data
2. High energy emission from compact objects, e.g. X-ray binaries, γ-ray binaries, blazars, etc
3. Astronomy in time domain
Personal Home Page
- A/Prof. Yi Xing
Research Interest:
1. High-energy observations
2. Compact objects
Official Home Page - A/Prof. Hengxiao Guo
Research Interest:
1. AGN Variability in Time Domain Era
2. Intermediate Mass Black Hole
3. Supermassive Black Hole Binary
4. AGN Reverberation Mapping
5. /Dual AGNs/Recoiling Black Hole
Official Home Page
Usually, our group seminar will be organized on every Friday (10:00 am) in room 1503,
Tian Wen Building. If you are interested in our topic, please feel free to join us...
- Dec. 31, 2021
- Dec. 24, 2021
- Dec. 17, 2021
- Shuangliang Li
(Professor) - Linhui Wu
- Dongtao Zhou
(Master student)
Paper published recently.
A Magnetic Disk-outflow Model for Changing Look Active Galactic Nuclei
Feng, Junjie; Cao, Xinwu; Li, Jia-wen; Gu, Wei-Min (2021, ApJ, 916, 61) -
Analytical Solution of Magnetically Dominated Astrophysical Jets and Jet Launching, Acceleration, and Collimation
Chen, Liang; Zhang, Bing (2021, ApJ, 906, 105) -
On the Origin and Evolution of Curvature of the Spectral Energy Distribution of Fermi Bright Blazars
Anjum, Muhammad S.; Chen, Liang; Gu, Minfeng (2020, ApJ, 898, 48) -
The X-ray emission in young radio active galactic nuclei
Liao, Mai; Gu, Minfeng; Zhou, Minhua; Chen, Liang (2020, MNRAS, 497, 482) -
The Composite X-Ray Spectrum of 3CRR Quasars
Zhou, Minhua; Gu, Minfeng (2019, ApJ, 893, 39) -
Investigation on Young radio AGNs based on SDSS spectroscopy
Liao, Mai; Gu, Minfeng (2019, MNRAS, 491, 92) -
Properties of radio-loud quasars in Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Gaur, H.; Gu, Minfeng.; Ramya, S.; Guo, H. (2019, A&A, 631, A46) -
Growth of massive black holes at high-z via accretion predominantly driven by ...
Li, Jiawen; Cao, Xinwu (2019, ApJ, 886, 92) -
A global solution to a slim accretion disk with radiation-driven outflows
Feng, Junjie; Cao, Xinwu; Gu, Wei-Min; Ma, Ren-Yi (2019, ApJ, 885, 93) -
Jet production in black hole X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei: mass feeding ...
Cao, Xinwu; Lai, Dong (2019, MNRAS, 485, 1619) -
The Large-scale Magnetic Field of a Thin Accretion Disk with Outflows
Li, Jiawen; Cao, Xinwu (2019, ApJ, 872, 149) -
The black hole fundamental plane in low-excitation radio galaxies
Li, Shuang-Liang; Gu, Minfeng (2018, MNRAS, 481, 45) -
The pc-scale radio structure of MIR-observed radio galaxies
Yuan, Ye; Gu, Min-Feng; Chen, Yong-Jun (2018, RAA, 18, 108) -
On the Jet Properties of γ-Ray-loud Active Galactic Nuclei
Chen Liang (2018, ApJS, 235, 39) -
The power of the jets accelerated by the coronal magnetic field
Cao, Xinwu (2018, MNRAS, 473, 4268) -
A strong negative correlation between radio loudness RUV and optical-to-X-ray ...
Li, Shuang-Liang; Xie, Fu-Guo (2017, MNRAS, 471, 2848) -
On the Origin of the Hard X-Ray Excess of High-Synchrotron-Peaked BL Lac Object Mrk
Chen, Liang (2017, ApJ, 842, 129) -
Multifrequency VLBA polarimetry of the high-redshift GPS quasar OQ172
Liu, Yi; Jiang, D. R.; Gu, Minfeng; Gurvits, L. I. (2017, MNRAS, 468, 2699) -
The Optical Variability of SDSS Quasars from Multi-epoch ...
Guo, Hengxiao; Gu, Minfeng (2016, ApJ, 822, 26) -
On the Radio Dichotomy of Active Galactic Nuclei
Cao, Xinwu (2016, APJ, 833, 30)
Jobs & Opportunities
Please feel free to contact us if you have interest to join our group or want a further study, short-term visits, Postdoctoral positions and Faculty positions are available.