- Address: Room 1519, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory CAS,
80 Nandan Road, Shanghai 200030, China
- Phone: +86-21-34775311
- Email:
- Place of Birth: Fujian Province, China
- Official personal page
Current interests:
- 1. Accretion disk theory
- 2. Jet formation mechanism
- 3. Active galactic nuclei
- 1997 - 2001 B.S., Physics, Fujian Normal University, China.
- 2001 - 2007 Ph.D, Astrophysics, Xiamen University, China.
- 2007 - 2009 Postdoc, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China.
- 2009 - 2016 Associate research professor, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China.
- 2016 - Research professor, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China.
Selected publications:
A strong negative correlation between radio loudness RUV and optical-to-X-ray spectral index αox in ...
Li, Shuang-Liang; Xie, Fu-Guo (2017, MNRAS, 471, 2848)
An accretion disc-irradiation hybrid model for the optical/UV variability in radio-quiet quasars
Liu, Hui; Li, Shuang-Liang; Gu, Minfeng; Guo, Hengxiao (2016, MNRAS, 462L, 56)
State transitions triggered by inverse magnetic field: probably applied in high-mass X-ray binaries?
Li, Shuang-Liang; Yan, Zhen (2016, RAA, 16, 48)
The High-efficiency Jets Magnetically Accelerated from a Thin Disk in Powerful Lobe-dominated FRII Radio ...
Li, Shuang-Liang (2014, ApJ, 788, 71)
Thermal Stability of a Thin Disk with Magnetically Driven Winds
Li, Shuang-Liang; Begelman, Mitchell C. (2014, ApJ, 786, 6)
The ultraviolet/optical variability of steep-spectrum radio quasars: the change in accretion rate?
Gu, M. F.; Li, S.-L. (2013, A&A, 554A, 51)
Constraints on Jet Formation Mechanisms with the Most Energetic Giant Outbursts in MS 0735+7421
Li, Shuang-Liang; Cao, Xinwu (2012, ApJ, 753, 24)