
Welcome to the homepage of the Black Hole Feedback and Cosmic Ray Astrophysics group, an independent research group in Astrophysics Division of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory led by Prof. Fulai Guo. Our group works on theoretical astrophysics, with a focus on numerical simulations. Our research interests cover a broad variety of topics in contemporary astrophysics, including but not limited to

One important topic that we are currently working on is to study the physical mechanism of black hole feedback and its roles in the evolution of galaxies, galaxy groups and clusters. Which black hole accretion and feedback modes are important in galaxy evolution? Whether, when, and how do massive black holes and galaxies co-evolve? How do black holes transfer energy to the interstellar and intracluster media? One important feature of our research is to explore the dynamical roles and observational signatures of cosmic rays in black hole feedback and galactic winds.


Faculty Members

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Fulai Guo
Group leader, Professor

fulai_[AT]_shao.ac.cn Personal Homepage

Theoretical Astrophysics, Computational Astrophysics

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Maochun Wu
Associate Professor

mcwu_[AT]_shao.ac.cn Personal Homepage

Black hole accretion and wind, AGN feedback, the Intracluster Medium

Postdocs & Students

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Xiang-Er Fang
Postdoctoral Fellow

xefang_[AT]_shao.ac.cn Personal Homepage

Thermal Conduction, Galaxy Clusters

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Yuezhen Ye
Ph.D. Student

yyz_[AT]_shao.ac.cn Personal Homepage

Cosmic Rays, the Intracluster Medium, etc

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Shaokun Xie
Ph.D. Student

skxie_[AT]_shao.ac.cn Personal Homepage

The Circumgalactic Medium, AGN feedback

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Wei Miao
Ph.D. Student

mw_[AT]_shao.ac.cn Personal Homepage

Stellar feedback, S0 galaxy

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Sida Li
M.Sc. Student

sidali_[AT]_shao.ac.cn Personal Homepage

TDE Jets/Outflows, Fermi bubbles, LHAASO data analysis

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Tao Li
M.Sc. Student

litao@shao.ac.cn Personal Homepage

Stellar feedback, the Milky Way, M82 galaxy

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    Publications after 2015

  1. A tera–electron volt afterglow from a narrow jet in an extremely bright gamma-ray burst
    LHAASO Collaboration (including F. L. Guo), 2023, Science, 380, 1390
  2. Constraints on Heavy Decaying Dark Matter from 570 Days of LHAASO Observations
    LHAASO Collaboration (including F. L. Guo), 2022, Phys Rev Lett, 129, 261103
  3. Exploring Lorentz Invariance Violation from Ultrahigh-Energy γ Rays Observed by LHAASO
    LHAASO Collaboration (including F. L. Guo), 2022, Phys Rev Lett, 128, 051102
  4. Detections of inflowing gas from narrow absorption lines at parsec scales
    Chen, Zhi-Fu; Gu, Minfeng; He, Zhicheng; Bu, Defu; Guo, Fulai; Gu, Qiusheng; Qin, Yiping, 2022, A&A, 659, A103
  5. Peta-electron volt gamma-ray emission from the Crab Nebula
    LHAASO Collaboration (including F. L. Guo), 2021, Science, 373, 425
  6. Probing the Halo Gas Distribution in the Inner Galaxy with Fermi Bubble Observations
    Zhang, Ruiyu; Guo, Fulai*, 2021, ApJ, 915, 85
  7. HUBS: a dedicated hot circumgalactic medium explorer
    Cui, W. et al. (the HUBS collaboration, including F.-L. Guo), 2020, Proceedings of SPIE, 11444, 114442S
  8. Years Delayed X-ray Afterglows of TDEs Originated from Wind-Torus Interactions
    Mou, Guobin; Dou, Liming; Jiang, Ning; Wang, Tinggui; Guo, Fulai; Wang, Wei; Wang, Hu; Shu, Xinwen; He, Zhicheng; Zhang, Ruiyu; Sun, Luming, 2021, ApJ, 908, 197
  9. Probing the Physics of Mechanical AGN Feedback with Radial Elongations of X-ray Cavities
    Guo, Fulai*, 2020, ApJ, 903, 3
  10. Constraining the Milky Way Mass with Its Hot Gaseous Halo
    Guo, Fulai*; Zhang, Ruiyu; Fang, Xiang-Er, 2020, ApJL, 904, L14
  11. On the Energy Coupling Efficiency of AGN Outbursts in Galaxy Clusters
    Duan, Xiaodong; Guo, Fulai*, 2020, ApJ, 896, 114
  12. Simulating the Fermi Bubbles as Forward Shocks driven by AGN Jets
    Zhang, Ruiyu; Guo, Fulai*, 2020, ApJ, 894, 117
  13. On the Cooling Flow Problem in the Gaseous Halo of the Milky Way
    Fang, Xiang-Er; Guo, Fulai*; Yuan, Ye-Fei, 2020, ApJ, 894, 1
  14. Numerical study of active galactic nucleus feedback in an elliptical galaxy with MACER
    Yuan, Feng; Ostriker, Jeremiah P.; Yoon, DooSoo; Li, Ya-Ping; Ciotti, Luca; Gan, Zhao-Ming; Ho, Luis C.; Guo, Fulai, 2020, IAUS, 342, 101-107
  15. HUBS: Hot Universe Baryon Surveyor
    Cui, W.; Chen, L. -B.; Gao, B.; Guo, F. -L., et al. 2020, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 199, 502-509
  16. On the Efficiency of Thermal Conduction in Galaxy Clusters
    Fang, X., Guo, F.*, Yuan, Y., Mou, G., 2018, ApJ, 863, 177
  17. Metal-rich Trailing Outflows Uplifted by AGN Bubbles in Galaxy Clusters
    Duan, X., Guo, F.*, 2018, ApJ, 861, 106
  18. Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback in an Elliptical Galaxy with the Most Updated AGN Physics. I. Low Angular Momentum Case
    Yuan, F., Yoon, D., Li, Y., Gan, Z., Ho, L., Guo, F., 2018, ApJ, 857, 121
  19. Reversing cooling flows with AGN jets: shock waves, rarefaction waves and trailing outflows
    Guo, F.*, Duan, X., Yuan, Y-F, 2018, MNRAS, 473, 1332
  20. Hot accretion flow with anisotropic viscosity
    Wu, M.; Bu, D.; Gan, Z-M; Yuan, Y-F, 2017, A&A, 608, A114
  21. The Peculiar Filamentary HI Structure of NGC 6145
    Wang, Enci; Wang, Jing; Kong, Xu; Guo, Fulai; Lin, Lin; Mou, Guobin; Li, Cheng; Xiao, Ting, 2017, AJ, 154, 70
  22. The AGN Jet Model of the Fermi Bubbles
    Guo, F.*, 2017, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 11, S322, 189-192
  23. Numerical Simulations of Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback
    Guo, F.*, & Yuan, F., 2016, a review published in Progress in Astronomy (in Chinese characters), 34, 505-521
  24. On the Importance of Very-light Internally-subsonic AGN Jets in Radio-mode AGN Feedback
    Guo, F.*, 2016, ApJ, 826, 17

  25. Publications before 2015

  26. The Shape of X-Ray Cavities in Galaxy Clusters: Probing Jet Properties and Viscosity
    Guo, F., 2015, ApJ, 803, 48, 12 pp
  27. Connecting Star Formation Quenching with Galaxy Structure and Supermassive Black Holes through Gravitational Heating of Cooling Flows
    Guo, F., 2014, ApJ, 797, L34
  28. Hot versus Cold: the Dichotomy in Spherical Accretion of Cooling Flows onto Supermassive Black Holes in Elliptical Galaxies, Galaxy Groups, and Clusters
    Guo, F., & Mathews, W. G., 2014, ApJ, 780, 126, 17 pp
  29. Cosmic ray streaming in clusters of galaxies
    Wiener, Joshua; Oh, S. Peng; Guo, Fulai, 2013, MNRAS, 434, 2209
  30. The Fermi Bubbles. II. The Potential Roles of Viscosity and Cosmic-Ray Diffusion in Jet Models
    Guo, F., Mathews, W. G., Dobler, G., Oh, S. P., 2012, ApJ, 756, 182
  31. The Fermi Bubbles. I. Possible Evidence for Recent AGN Jet Activity in the Galaxy Highlighted
    Guo, F., & Mathews, W. G., 2012, ApJ, 756, 181, 17 pp
  32. Dynamics inside the radio and X-ray cluster cavities of Cygnus A and similar FRII sources
    Mathews, W. G., & Guo, F., 2012, ApJ, 755, 13, 15 pp
  33. Radiating Bondi and Cooling Site Flows
    Mathews, W. G., & Guo, F., 2012, ApJ, 754, 154
  34. Estimate of the Total Mechanical Feedback Energy from Galaxy Cluster-centered Black Holes:
    Implications for Black Hole Evolution, Cluster Gas Fraction and Entropy

    Mathews, W. G., & Guo, F., 2011, ApJ, 738, 155
  35. Cosmic Ray Diffusion Fronts in the Virgo Cluster
    Mathews, W. G., & Guo, F., 2011, ApJ, 736, 6
  36. Cosmic-ray-dominated AGN Jets and the Formation of X-ray Cavities in Galaxy Clusters
    Guo, F., & Mathews, W. G., 2011, ApJ, 728, 121
  37. Self-consistent Evolution of Gas and Cosmic Rays in Cygnus A and Similar FR II Classic Double Radio Sources
    Mathews, W. G., & Guo, F., 2010, ApJ, 725, 1440
  38. Removing Cool Cores and Central Metallicity Peaks in Galaxy Clusters with Powerful Active Galactic Nucleus Outbursts
    Guo, F., & Mathews, W. G., 2010, ApJ, 717, 937
  39. Simulating X-ray Supercavities and Their Impact on Galaxy Clusters
    Guo, F., & Mathews, W. G., 2010, ApJ, 712, 1311
  40. AGN Feedback and Bimodality in Cluster Core Entropy
    Guo, F., Oh, S. P., & Ruszkowski, M., 2009, AIP conference proceedings, Vol. 1201, 330
  41. Could AGN Outbursts Transform Cool Core Clusters?
    Guo, F., & Oh, S. P., 2009, MNRAS, 400, 1992
  42. A Global Stability Analysis of Clusters of Galaxies with Conduction and AGN Feedback Heating
    Guo, F., Oh, S. P., & Ruszkowski, M., 2008, ApJ, 688, 859
  43. Feedback Heating by Cosmic Rays in Clusters of Galaxies Highlighted
    Guo, F., & Oh, S. P., 2008, MNRAS, 384, 251

Research Highlights

AGN Jet Model for the Fermi Bubbles

We are the first to propose and study the well-known AGN Jet Model for the Fermi Bubbles in the Milky Way (Guo & Mathews 2012; Guo et al 2012)

Cosmic Rays from AGN Outbursts

We are the first to demonstrate that cosmic rays from AGN outbursts and the dissipation of hydromagnetic waves induced by the cosmic ray streaming instability may efficiently heat cool cores in galaxy clusters (Guo & Oh 2008)

X-ray Cavities in Galaxy Cluster

We are the first to propose to study the properties of AGN jets with the shapes of X-ray cavities in galaxy clusters, and to point out the importance of very-light internally-subsonic jets in radio-mode AGN feedback (Guo 2015; Guo 2016)

AGN Feedback in Clusters

We performed the first and the only to date global stability analysis of galaxy cluster models with AGN feedback, revealing the importance of AGN feedback in clusters (Guo, Oh, & Ruszkowski 2008)

AGN Outbursts May Destroy Cool Cores in Galaxy Clusters

We are the first to argue with hydrodynamic simulatiuons that some powerful AGN outbursts may destroy cool cores in galaxy clusters, producing non-cool-core clusters (Guo & Oh 2009; Guo & Mathews 2010b)

Spherical Accretion of Cooling Flows onto Supermassive Black Holes

We are the first to show that spherical accretion of cooling flows onto supermassive black holes has two distinct modes: cold mode with fast development of central cooling catastrophe and hot mode with centrally cuspy temperature profiles (Mathews & Guo 2012a; Guo & Mathews 2014; Guo 2014)


Applications are invited for both graduate student and postdoc positions in our group. Both Chinese and international applicants are welcome.

Graduated Student Positions

If you are interested in pursuing either Master or Ph.D. degree in our group, please feel free to contact Prof. Guo for more details. Standard financial support in various forms is available. Shanghai Astronomical Observatory usually provides strongly subsidized dormitory housing for graduate students.


Postdoctoral Positions (2017-2018)

Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) invites applications for a postdoctoral position in the Black Hole Feedback and Cosmic Ray Astrophysics research group. Applicants should have a good background in theoretical astrophysics, and prior experience in computational simulations is desired. Priority will be given to candidates with an interest in any of the following areas: AGN feedback, galaxy evolution, galactic winds, cosmic ray astrophysics, the circumgalactic medium. Both Chinese and international applicants are encouraged to apply.

The appointment is awarded for two years initially, extendable for up to four years depending on performance and funding availability. The starting date is flexible. The salary is dependent on qualification and experience, and will be highly competitive. Successful candidates have direct access to computer clusters at SHAO (with nearly 3000 cores), and will also be supported to apply for various postdoc fellowships and grants funded by Chinese funding agencies. The position comes with research funds for publications, travel, etc. SHAO provides significantly subsidized dormitory housing on site.

SHAO belongs to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which provides a diverse setting and research facilities. SHAO has good computer facilities, ample research funds, and an active visitor program. The Astrophysics Division of SHAO has about 40 faculty members, 20 postdocs, and 40 PhD students. SHAO members are actively involved in many important international and domestic projects such as SKA, SDSS-IV, LSST, LAMOST, HXMT, and FAST. More information can be found at http://astro-en.shao.cas.cn.

SHAO is located in downtown Shanghai, one of the most rapidly evolving and cosmopolitan cities in Asia. There are a very large population of international expats living in Shanghai. For an introductory guidance of working at SHAO as an expat, please see this webpage.

Applicants should submit curriculum vitae, publication list, a brief research statement, and arrange for three (or two) reference letters to be sent to fulai@shao.ac.cn by email. Inquiries for the job details are also welcome. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.



17th Floor, Astronomy Building
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
80 Nandan Rd.
Shanghai 200030, China
2019-2023 © Black Hole Feedback and Cosmic Ray Astrophysics Group | All Rights Reserved
Last updated: Aug 2024