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由geocentric与geodetic之间的转换是大地测量中的基本工具,后者转为前者是显示表达式,反正则是非线性方程,原则上要求迭代处理。 在sofa中已经提供了两者的转换,可以将其编译为常用小工具。 这里用C++自行编写软件进行转换. 这里算法参考见"satellite geodesy"第二版2.1.4节。 注意:因浏览器显示问题,实际代码有出入。 公式如下 \[{e^2} = 2f - {f^2}\] \[{e^2} = \frac{{{a^2} - {b^2}}}{{{a^2}}}\] \[\left[ \begin{gathered} X \hfill \\ Y \hfill \\ Z \hfill \\ \end{gathered} \right] = \left[ \begin{gathered} \left( {\bar N + h} \right)\cos \varphi \cos \lambda \hfill \\ \left( {\bar N + h} \right)\cos \varphi \sin \lambda \hfill \\ \left( {\left( {1 - {e^2}} \right)\bar N + h} \right)\sin \varphi \hfill \\ \end{gathered} \right]\] \[\bar N = \frac{a}{{\sqrt {1 - {e^2}{{\sin }^2}\varphi } }} = \frac{a}{{\sqrt {1 - f\left( {2 - f} \right){{\sin }^2}\varphi } }}\] 反之 纬度初值为 \[\varphi = \arctan \left[ {\frac{Z}{{\sqrt {{X^2} + {Y^2}} }}{{\left( {1 - {e^2}} \right)}^{ - 1}}} \right]\] \[\bar N = \frac{a}{{\sqrt {1 - {e^2}{{\sin }^2}\varphi } }} = \frac{a}{{\sqrt {1 - f\left( {2 - f} \right){{\sin }^2}\varphi } }}\] \[h = \frac{{\sqrt {{X^2} + {Y^2}} }}{{\cos \varphi }} - \bar N\] \[\varphi = \arctan \left[ {\frac{Z}{{\sqrt {{X^2} + {Y^2}} }}{{\left( {1 - {e^2}\frac{{\bar N}}{{\bar N + h}}} \right)}^{ - 1}}} \right]\] \[\lambda = \arctan \frac{Y}{X}\] 其中大地坐标并不是直角坐标的显函数,因此需要迭代处理,详见代码。 注意在收敛过程中,有些书上只用前后phi值作为收敛准则,建议同时判断lamda。只有当两者都收敛时 停止迭代,防止某一变量巧合收敛,而另一变量并未收敛情况。

#   Versions and Changes :
#      v1.0----2015-7-18
#         makefile
#  如果有很多文件,则在obj变量后加入
#  如果有多个 makefile文件
#  可以用  gmake -f makefilename
#   Copyrigt(C) : Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS
#                (All rights reserved)             2015
cc= g++
#cflag= -g -c

obj = gc2gd.cpp  coordinates.cpp

$(target) : $(obj)
	$(cc) -g -o $(target) $(obj)

.PHONY : clean
clean :
	rm -f $(obj) $(target)

基本函数为coordinates.cpp . 其头文件 coordinates.h为
#ifndef coord_h
#define coord_h
using namespace std;

void ellipsoidal2Cartesian(int n ,double phi,double lamda, double height,vector &XYZ);
void cartesian2Ellipsoidal(int n, const vector &XYZ,   double &phi,double &lamda,double &height);
void  eform ( int n, double &a, double &f );


#include "coordinates.h"

   Created  :  Song Yezhi   2023-4-1 2:47
transformation equation from the geographic ellipsoidal coordinates
to  Cartesian coordinates xyz
 	 Ref :  chapter 2.1.4
   Input Parameters   :
       phi (arc)
	   lamda  (arc)
	   height (meter)
   Output Parameters  :
       XYZ (meter)

   Email        :  
   Copyrigt (C) : Chinese Academy of Sciences               
                  All rights reserved,  2023 
void ellipsoidal2Cartesian(int n ,double phi,double lamda,
     double height,vector &XYZ)
	double a,f ;
	eform(n,a ,f);
	double e_square = 2.0*f - f*f ;
	double N_bar =  a/sqrt(1.0- e_square*sin(phi)*sin(phi)) ;
	XYZ[0] = (N_bar+height)*cos(phi)*cos(lamda);
	XYZ[1] = (N_bar+height)*cos(phi)*sin(lamda);
	XYZ[2] = ((1-e_square)*N_bar +height)*sin(phi);

   Created  :  Song Yezhi   2023-4-1 2:47
transformation equation from Cartesian coordinates xyz to the geographic ellipsoidal coordinates
 	  Ref :  chapter 2.1.4
	     GNSS Data Processing gAge slides   
   Input Parameters   :
        XYZ (meter)
   Output Parameters  :
       phi (arc)
	   lamda  (arc)
	   height (meter)

   Email        :  
   Copyrigt (C) : Chinese Academy of Sciences               
                  All rights reserved,  2023 
void cartesian2Ellipsoidal(int n, const vector &XYZ,
   double &phi,double &lamda,double &height)
	const double tol = 1e-5 ;
	double a,f ;
	eform(n,a ,f);
	double e_square ;
	e_square = 2.0*f - f*f ;
	double N_bar ;
	double tmp1,tmp2 ;
	double tmp3,tmp4;
	double height0,phi0 ;
	int i ;
	double p ;
	p = sqrt(XYZ[0]*XYZ[0]+XYZ[1]*XYZ[1]);
	phi = atan(XYZ[2]/p/(1-e_square));
	//the initial value of phi 
	for(i =0 ;i<50 ;i++ )
	   N_bar =  a/sqrt(1.0- e_square*sin(phi)*sin(phi)) ;
	   height = p/cos(phi) - N_bar;
	   tmp1  = XYZ[2]/p ;
	   tmp2  = 1.0- e_square*N_bar/(N_bar+ height);
	   phi = atan(tmp1/tmp2);
	   tmp3 = abs(height -height0);
	   tmp4 = abs((phi-phi0)*a );
	   // 同时对经纬度判断,防止某一个变量巧合收敛
	   // 因浏览器显示原因, 使用该程序时需把这里的"小于"改为 C语言中的小于号.
	   if ((tmp3 小于 tol )&&(tmp4 小于 tol))
		   break ;
	   phi0 = phi ;
	   height0 = height;
	lamda = atan2(XYZ[1],XYZ[0]);

   Created  :  Song Yezhi   2023-4-1 2:50

   **  1) The identifier n is a number that specifies the choice of
**     reference ellipsoid.  The following are supported:
**        n    ellipsoid
**        1     WGS84
**        2     GRS80
**        3     WGS72
     the parameter reference is IAU sofa 
   Input Parameters   :
   Output Parameters  :

   Email        :  
   Copyrigt (C) : Chinese Academy of Sciences               
                  All rights reserved,  2023 
void  eform ( int n, double &a, double &f )

/* Look up a and f for the specified reference ellipsoid. */
   switch ( n ) 

   case 1:
      a = 6378137.0;
      f = 1.0 / 298.257223563;

   case 2:
      a = 6378137.0;
      f = 1.0 / 298.257222101;

   case 3:
      a = 6378135.0;
      f = 1.0 / 298.26;


   /* Invalid identifier. */
      a = 0.0;
      f = 0.0;



geodetic 转为geocentric

     Versions and Changes :
     Transform geodetic coordinates to geocentric using WGS84
     reference ellipsoid.
     Input Parameters   :
     Output Parameters  :
     Author      : 宋叶志           
     Copyrigt(C) : Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS
                  (All rights reserved)             2023
  #include "coordinates.h"
  using namespace std;
  int main(int argc, char **argv)
      if (argc == 1) 
          printf("%s","Transform geodetic coordinates to geocentric \n");
          printf("%s","the reference ellipsoid is WGS84 \n");
          printf("%s","usage :    \n");
          printf("%s","gc2gd  longitude latitude  height (in degree and meters) \n");
          return 0;
      //double XYZ[3];
  	vector XYZ(3);
      double elong,phi,height;
      int itmp;
      const double pi = 3.141592653589793238462643 ;
      printf("%s","longitude latitude and height  =      (in degree and  meters) \n");
      printf("%18lf  %18lf  %18lf \n \n", elong,phi,height);
      ellipsoidal2Cartesian ( 1,   elong*pi/180.0,  phi*pi/180.0,  height, XYZ);
      printf("%s","longitude latitude and height  =      (in arc and  meters) \n");
      printf("%18lf  %18lf  %18lf \n \n", elong*pi/180.0 ,phi*pi/180.0 ,height);
      printf("%s","XYZ =      (in meters) \n");
      printf("%18.4lf  %18.4lf  %18.4lf \n \n", XYZ[0],XYZ[1],XYZ[2]);
      return 0;
反之 geocentric 转为geodetic

    Versions and Changes :
     Transform geocentric coordinates to geodetic using the WGS84 ellipsoid
    Input Parameters   :
    Output Parameters  :
    Author      : 宋叶志           
    Copyrigt(C) : Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS
                 (All rights reserved)             2023
 #include "coordinates.h"
 using namespace std;
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
     if (argc == 1) 
         printf("%s","Transform geocentric coordinates to geodetic \n");
         printf("%s","the reference ellipsoid is WGS84 \n");
         printf("%s","usage :    \n");
         printf("%s","gc2gd x y z (in meters) \n");
         return 0;
     //double XYZ[3];
 	vector XYZ(3);
     printf("%s","XYZ =      (in meters) \n");
     printf("%18lf  %18lf  %18lf \n \n", XYZ[0],XYZ[1],XYZ[2]);
     double elong,phi,height;
     //cartesian2Ellipsoidal( 1, XYZ, &elong, &phi, &height );
 	cartesian2Ellipsoidal(1, XYZ,   phi, elong,height) ;
     const double pi = 3.141592653589793238462643 ;
     printf("%s","longitude latitude and height  =      (in arc and  meters) \n");
     printf("%18.10lf  %18.10lf  %18.4lf \n \n", elong,phi,height);
     printf("%s","longitude latitude and height  =      (in degree and  meters) \n");
     printf("%18.10lf  %18.10lf  %18.4lf \n \n", elong*180.0/pi ,phi*180.0/pi ,height);
     return 0;