Sayyed Mohammad Javad Mirzadeh

    Sayyed Mohammad Javad Mirzadeh (Ph.D student)
    Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    80 Nandan Road, Shanghai 200030, China
    Tel: +86-21-34775295; Fax: +86-21-64384618


  • 2018-2023, Ph.D, Geodesy, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
  • 2012-2015, M.Sc, Geodesy, K.N.TOOSI University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
  • 2007-2012, B.Sc, Surveying Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


  • 2018-2023, Research Assistant, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Shanghai, China

Research Interests

  • Space Geodesy and Geodynamics
  • InSAR Analysis & Tectonic Geodesy

Journal Papers

  • Mirzadeh, S., S.G. Jin, E. Chaussard, R. Burgmann, A. Rezaei, S. Ghotbi, and A. Braun (2023), Transition and drivers of elastic to inelastic deformation in the Abarkuh Plain from InSAR multi-sensor time series and hydrogeological data, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 128(7), e2023JB026430, doi: 10.1029/2023JB026430. (SCI)
  • Mirzadeh, S., S.G. Jin, and M. Amani (2023), Spatial-temporal changes of Abarkuh Playa landform from Sentinel-1 time series data, Remote Sens., 15(11), 2774, doi: 10.3390/rs15112774. (SCI) [PDF] (SCI)
  • Mirzadeh, S., S.G. Jin, E. Parizi, E. Chaussard, R. Burgmann, J. Blasco, M. Amani, H. Bao, and S.H. Mirzadeh (2021), Characterization of irreversible land subsidence in the Yazd-Ardakan Plain, Iran from 2003-2020 InSAR time series, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 126(11), e2021JB022258, doi: 10.1029/2021JB022258. (SCI)
  • Naeini, A., S. Moghaddam, S. M. Mirzadeh, S. Homayouni, and S. Fatemi (2017), Multi-Objective Genetic Optimization of Terrain-Independent RFMs for VHSR Satellite Images, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 14(8), 1368-1372, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2017.2712810. (SCI)

Conference Papers

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