
Research Areas

Projects & Grants

Principal Investigator (PI)

  • 2024-2026, Henan International Science and Technology Cooperation Key Project (Grant No. 241111520700): "High-frequency water level monitoring technology and its application in the Yellow River Mainstream from BDS/GNSS-Reflectometry", China. (PI)
  • 2023-2024, Open Fund Key Project of the Tianjin Key Lab for Rail Tranzit Navigation and Big Data (Grant No. TKL2023A01): "3-D tropospheric delay modeling in large height difference railway belts", China. (PI)
  • 2022-2026, Henan Department of Education's "Double First-Class" Project (Grant No. 760507/033): "Intelligent sensing and unmanned system test platform", China. (PI)
  • 2022-2026, Henan Polytechnic University Startup Foundation Project (Grant No. 722403/067/002): "Key techniques and applications of intelligent navigation and environmental sensing", China. (PI)
  • 2022-2023, First Surveying and Mapping Institute of Guizhou Project (Grant No. H22-725): "InSAR geological disaster deformation monitoring (geological disaster remote sensing interpretation based on optical images in the southern monitoring areas)", China. (PI)
  • 2022-2024, Jiangsu Marine Science and Technology Innovation Project (Grant No. JSZRHYKJ202202): "Monitoring and evaluation of ecological environments in Jiangsu coasts based on space-air-ground integrated observations", China. (PI)
  • 2021-2026, National Key Research and Development Program (Grant No. 2021YFA0716100): "Exploration of habitable environments and biosignatures on Mars", China. (PI)
  • 2021-2024, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Project (Grant No. 12073012): "Seismo-ionospheric disturbance behaviors and mechanism from high-rate GNSS observations", China. (PI)
  • 2021-2022, Qian Xuesen Laboratory Space Exploration Experiment Cultivation Project (Grant No. TKTSPY-2020-06-02): "Key parameter design and calibration scheme of Earth Radiation Lunar-based Detector", China. (PI)
  • 2020-2022, Shanghai Leading Talent Project (Grant No. E056061): "Key techniques and applications of BeiDou/Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-Reflectometry", China. (PI)
  • 2019-2023, Strategic Priority Research Program Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDA23040100): "Water environment/ecology monitoring system and information platform of the Yangtze River mainstream and its application", China. (PI)
  • 2018-2021, National Key Research and Development Program of China Project (Grant No. 2018YFC0603502): "Gravity and magnetic joint inversion method and technology and integrated software", China. (PI)
  • 2018-2021, Startup Foundation for Introducing Talent of NUIST (Grant No. 2018R037): "GNSS-Reflectometry and its applications in land and ocean remote sensing", China. (PI)
  • 2018-2021, Jiangsu Province Distinguished Professor Project (Grant No. R2018T20): "Atmospheric, ocean and land remote sensing using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)", China. (PI)
  • 2018-2020, National Natural Science Foundation of China-German Science Foundation (NSFC-DFG) Project (Grant No. 41761134092): "Ionospheric-plasmaspheric variations and mechanism from multi-satellite space-based GNSS measurements", China. (PI)
  • 2017-2020, Aerospace Pre-research Technology Project (Grant No. 30508020214): "Information processing and ocean environmental parameters inversion from satellite-borne GNSS-Reflectometry", China. (PI)
  • 2017-2020, National Key Research and Development Program of China Sub-Project (Grant No. 2017YFB0502802): "Onboard real-time and fast inversion of atmospheric and marine environmental parameters", China. (PI)
  • 2016-2019, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Project (Grant No. 11573052): "Middle-lower atmospheric variations and wave structures in Tibet from space-borne GPS observations", China. (PI)
  • 2014-2015, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Russia-Ukraine-Belarus Joint Project (Grant No. 1427): "Sensing lunar topography, components and dust exosphere from recent space missions", China. (PI)
  • 2014-2017, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Project (Grant No. 11373059): "Low degree gravity field variations and large-scale mass transport from GNSS and Satellite Altimetry", China. (PI)
  • 2012-2014, Open Research Fund of the Academy of Satellite Application, CASC (Grant No. 2012-1508): "Atmospheric disturbances and anomalous behaviors detected by ground and space-based GNSS", China. (PI)
  • 2012-2015, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Project (Grant No. 11173050): "Multi-satellite observations of planet Earth's dynamic oblateness variation and its physical mechanism", China. (PI)
  • 2012-2016, National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) Sub-Project (Grant No. 2012CB720001): "Mapping and characteristics of multi-scale temporal-spatial planetary surface topography", China. (PI)
  • 2012-2015, European Space Agency (ESA) Category-1 Project (Grant No. C1P.10660): "Climate system changes and geodynamics modeling in Southwest China from InSAR, GPS and Gravimetry", Italy. (PI)
  • 2012-2015, Pujiang Talent Program Project of Shanghai (Grant No. 11PJ1411500): "Improvement of GNSS positioning models and surface mass loading estimates", China. (PI)
  • 2011-2013, Main Direction Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KJCX2-EW-T03): "Earth's surface processes and dynamics from GPS, InSAR and Satellite Gravimetry", China. (PI)
  • 2011-2012, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Project (Grant No. 11043008): "Earth's surface fluid mass change and its excitation to Earth Rotation from satellite gravimetry", China. (PI)
  • 2010-2014, "One-Hundred Talents Program" Project of the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS (Grant No. 5420100701): "Satellite navigation, remote sensing and its applications", China. (PI)
  • 2003-2005, Open Research Fund Poject of the Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment and Geodesy, Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. 030405): "Terrestrial reference frame and high-frequency variations of Earth Rotation Parameters", China. (PI)
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
  • 2005-2007, International Multilateral Joint Project of China-Japan-Korea Ministry of Science and Technology (Grant No. M6-0404): "Study on crustal deformation in Eastern Asia using GPS", South Korea. (Co-PI)
  • 2004-2007, Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Project (Grant No. LP0561096): "Monitoring & predicting near real time ionospheric activities with multi-satellite data", Australia. (Co-PI)
Co-Investigator (Co-I)
  • 2022-2024, China National Railway Group Scientific R&D Program (Grant No. L2022X004): "High spatio-temporal resolution atmospheric modeling and precision positioning technology of Beidou PPP-RTK in Railway", China. (Co-I)
  • 2020-2022, Jiangsu Natural Resources Development Special Project (Grant No. JSZRHYKJ202002): "Jiangsu Natural Coastline Identification and Shallow Water Terrain Detection Technology", Jiangsu, China. (Co-I)
  • 2019-2024, Shenzhen Overseas High-level Talents Innovation and Entrepreneurship "Peacock Team Plan" Project (Grant No. KQTD20180410161218820): "Satellite Spectral Remote Sensing Innovation Technology and Its Industrialization", China. (Co-I)
  • 2016-2017, CAS Key Laboratory of Planetary Sciences Project (Grant No. PSL16_07): "Martian atmospheric density estimation and its variation characteristics", China. (Co-I)
  • 2015-2016, CAS Key Laboratory of Planetary Sciences Project (Grant No. PSL15_07): "Research on layered basalt structure in Mare Imbrium using LPR and LRS data", China. (Co-I)
  • 2015-2016, CAS Key Laboratory of Planetary Sciences Project (Grant No. PSL15_06): "Spectral mixture analysis of hydrous minerals at Gale crater and implications on the aqueous history of Mars", China. (Co-I)
  • 2014-2016, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory "1-3-5 Breakthrough" Project (Grant No. SHAO-MB201304): "Planetary internal physics and dynamics", China. (Co-I)
  • 2008-2010, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Project: "NASA interdisplinary science and energy- and water-cycle research program and NASA GRACE Science Team", USA. (Co-I)
  • 2008-2011, Korea Research Council of Fundamental Science and Technology Project: "Global geodetic data processing and analysis center", South Korea. (Co-I)
  • 2007-2010, Korea Ministry of Construction and Transportation Project: "Combination of space geodetic techniques and applications", South Korea. (Co-I)
  • 2006-2009, Korea Ministry of Science and Technology Project: "KOMPSAT-5 precise orbit determination and GPS Radio Occultation", South Korea. (Co-I)
  • 2006-2008, Korea Meteorological Administration Research and Development Program Project (Grant No. CATER 2006-3104): "GNSS meteorology and atmospheric science applications", South Korea. (Co-I)
  • 2003-2004, Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project (Grant No. DP0345978): "Stochastic modeling for high precision GPS positioning applications", Australia. (Co-I)
  • 2002-2004, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Project (Grant No. 40174009): "Data processing uniform standards of GPS monitoring crustal movement in China mainland", China. (Co-I)
  • 1999-2004, Shanghai Important Basic Research Project (Grant No. JC14012): "Shanghai Comprehensive GPS Application Network (SCGAN) and its applications in meteorology, GIS, urban subsidence and control network", China. (Co-I)
  • 1999-2002, National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (Grant No. G1998040703): "Mechanism and prediction of strong earthquakes in China", China. (Co-I)
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